How much hair do I have to send?

  • Pendants/ Bracelet beads: Only a few hairs are processed in our pendants and beads, so they are also suitable for hairs from the mane. Make sure (especially with white and light manes) that you send as thick as possible hairs. We select the thickest and most suitable hair and cut it to the right length. The length of the hair must be at least 4 cm and the number at least 10. This jewelry is also suitable for dog or cat hair. This will require more hairs to give a nice result.
    Tassels: Our tassels come in different thicknesses and lengths. Always make sure to send 6cm length in pencil thick hair. Would you like the thickest and longest brush? Just to be sure, send her 15 cm length in pinky thickness.
    Braid bracelets: These bracelets are where the most hair comes into play. Here we need a strand of about 45 cm length in pinky thickness.
    Lapel pins: 4 hairs of 3 cm are sufficient.

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